Recommended experience for kids:
Recommended experience to wear pets:
It is an inclusive experience:
Places close to the experience where the night can spend:
El Cuyo
Days open to the public:
Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado
Schedules in which you can enjoy the experience:
07:00 - 15:00
Contact number to make reservations:
URLS of the sites where reservations can be made:
Important experience activities:
- Excursion en kayak.
Approximate price:
$500 euros par personne MXN
Months in which you can enjoy the experience:
Todo el año
À El Cuyo, un paradis caché, tu peux faire du kayak dans l'UMA San Manuel, parcourir des sentiers inondés, sous les arbres jusqu’à arriver à la lagune bleue pleine de nénuphars, d’oiseaux et beaucoup d'aventure.
Principales activités
Distance from Mérida to experience:
Duration of experience:
Suggested for:
Familles, amis ou couples