Puuc Route and Mayan Villages

No. 348 Maní on Bike

Recommended experience for kids:


Recommended experience for pets:


It is an inclusive experience:


Places close to the experience where you can spend the night:


Days open to the public:

Sunday, Saturday

Schedules in which you can enjoy the experience:

11:00 - 17:00

Contact number to make reservations:

URLS of the sites where reservations can be made:

Important experience activities:

  • Bike tour.
  • Cenote tour.
  • Melipona bee beehive.
  • Historic sites tour.

Approximate price:


Months in which you can enjoy the experience:

All year long

View gallery

Walk around the streets of Maní Magic Town to learn about its history, traditions, culture, architecture, and history of the St. Michael the Archangel Convent, from the 16th century.

The activity starts at the information booth, where you will receive an explanation of the tour and will find the first five interest points. The first stop is at Ermita de Santiago, which has a 16th century chapel and colonial architecture from the Spanish conquest; the second stop is the U Naaji Yuum K’iin Melipona bee beehive, where you will learn about the elaboration process of honey and by products like soaps, candies, among others; the third stops is Xcabachén cenote, where you will tour inside the cenote to learn about its history and legends; the fourth stop is a handcrafts and traditional garments shop from village’s artisans, and the last stop of the tour is the ice-cream shop Atelie, a place to delight your palate with a delicious ice cream or frappé, in a pleasant environment to rest after the tour.

Actividades principales

Distance from Mérida to experience:


Duration of experience:

2 hours approximately

Suggested for:

Families, friends and couples

Distance from Mérida to experience No. 348 Maní on Bike

365 days

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