
Tekax de Álvaro Obregón has a colonial flavor that you can admire in its beautiful and impressive architecture.


Tekax means “There where the forest is”. The date of its foundation is unclear.

Among its colonial treasures is the imposing and majestic Exconvent and Parish of San Juan Bautista, which has more than 400 years of history. Another highlight is the Municipal Palace, which is the largest in Yucatán. Don't miss the Ermita de San Diego, the Chapel of San Francisco and the Chapel of the Eternal Father.

The traditional music of the municipality is the jarana, as well as the trova and boleros. Cradle of illustrious men, it has in Picardo Palmerin Pavia, the creator of the Yucatecan bambuco, who at the request of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, composed “Peregrina”, one of the most beautiful and popular songs of Mexico, in homage to the North American journalist Alma Reed.

See Gallery

Tekax de Álvaro Obregón has a colonial flavor that you can admire in its beautiful and impressive architecture. As you stroll through its streets, you will discover that it is surrounded by arcades and mansions of different architectural styles.


https://yucatan.travel/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/GRUTAS-CHOCANTES-23-703x535.jpgShocking caves
The shocking caves

These caves are characterized by their cascades of calcium carbonate, their huge petrified curtains, their eccentric formations of stalactites, stalagmata or columns. The limestone helps the filtration of water, helping the formation of stalactites, but, even so, it takes approximately 100 years to form 1 to 2 cm. It has been inhabited during several epochs of history.

Las Sartenejas II Caves

These caves are characterized for being caverns where calcium carbonate formations are sheltered, better known as ix' mait grotto (has no bottom), Gruta de los murciélagos and the platanal. Where the guides share with us the history that is kept there, thanks to the investigations carried out.

https://yucatan.travel/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Puuc_y_AldeasMayas-AldeaMaya-SanMarcelino-Kancab-Tekax-Casas-66-703x535.jpgSan Marcelino Mayan Village
Kaalmankal Ecotourism Park

It offers activities such as rappel, pendulum climbing, swinging on the top of the hill and also camping with tourists.

They have a cave near the area where they talk about the formations as they were created and about the history that is kept in it. They also perform Mayan ceremonies.

It is considered an attraction for the whole family, activities with a certain degree of adventure.

San Marcelino Mayan Village

It is a Mayan Village that preserves its culture and traditions, it is located on the outskirts of the municipality of Tekax, approximately 10 kilometers from the center of “La sultana de la sierra”.

This 100% family attraction offers a multi-sensory experience, based on the natural and cultural elements that live on in each inhabitant and in each sample of abundance of nature.

https://yucatan.travel/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Loltún-Grutas04-scaled-703x535.jpgLoltun Caves
San Agustin Ecolodge

It is a place where their culture and traditions are preserved, it is located on the outskirts of the municipality of Tekax, approximately 45.9 km from the center of “the sultana de la sierra”. It offers tours in the community where you can observe some of the economic activities that take place in the town, such as the production of charcoal, furniture, handicrafts, etc.

Loltun Caves

These are the largest and best known of the cave system located in the southern part of Yucatan. They have been conditioned for a safe tour of approximately 1,000 meters in length inside through illuminated trails, where visitors can learn about the natural and cultural history.

https://yucatan.travel/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Foto-10-Tekax-y-sus-murales-703x535.jpgMural Alley
Celebration of life and death

A celebration that takes place on October 28th. It starts in an avenue of Ricardo Palmerin and concludes in the chulub of the hermitage where the altars are ready to compete, and then begins the contest of catrin and catrina.

Mural Alley

In a quiet pedestrian street you will find murals by 10 different Mexican artists, who are inspired by working with the community, telling stories, tales and legends of Tekax. From the traditional town festival with the “bajada de San Dieguito, the way koot, a tribute to the singer-songwriter Ricardo Palmerin, icon of the trova, the colors of Yucatan, the hands of the Tekaxeños, to the flora and fauna of the Yucatecan jungle.

Municipal Palace

It has an upper floor where you can find the Hall of Photographs where old images of Tekax are kept. On the outside is the balcony where you can see the Church, Park, House of the 3 floors, Hermitage and its imposing hill of the Puuc Route.

Chacmultún Archaeological Zone

The word Chacmultún means “mounds of red stone”, in allusion to the pink tone of the quarry used in the facades of the buildings. It is located in the Puuc region, whose architecture is characterized by the outstanding work in the ashlars that form the facades, the games of chiaroscuro of these and the use of stone mosaic for decoration.

The ancient city is integrated by four architectural groups called: Chacmultún, Cabalpak, Xethpol and Central.

Labná Archaeological Zone

Small but important Mayan city, it reached its splendor between 600 and 900 A.D. Its name comes from “lab”, which means “old house”. This site is dominated by the early Puuc style architecture of the VIII century.

Hermitage of San Diego de Alcalá

It is considered the viewpoint of Tekax, where you can spend pleasant moments with friends and family.

House of the three floors

The house of the three floors or three high as it is popularly known is an ancient building representative of the most opulent period of the municipality due to the cultivation of sugar cane. It was built by the encomendero Francisco de Bracamonte y Valdivieso in 1559, by order of Don Francisco de Montejo el mozo, the only one of its kind in Yucatán.

https://yucatan.travel/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/365-sabores-en-yucatán-Mamules-pan-de-Tekax-703x535.jpgMain Square


A gastronomic experience not to be missed when you visit this Pueblo Mágico is the ice cream or chaya water sold in the Main Park.

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