Recommended experience for kids:
Recommended experience for pets:
It is an inclusive experience:
Places close to the experience where you can spend the night:
Days open to the public:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Schedules in which you can enjoy the experience:
09:00 - 17:00
Contact number to make reservations:
URLS of the sites where reservations can be made:
Important experience activities:
- Nado en cenote
- Disfruta de la gastronomía local
- Recorrido maya
Approximate price:
$790 per person MXN
Months in which you can enjoy the experience:
All year long
Just 5 minutes away from the Magic Town of Valladolid, you can find a new tourist destination based in the Mayan culture and developed around a natural attraction like a cenote. In this place you can experience 13 activities related to Mayan culture, immersed in the Yucatecan jungle and with the best existing facilities.
This tourist park is full of experiences, where you can learn about Mayan culture, swim in a unique cenote and making the most of nature. Chichikan Cenote offers a guided, dynamic, and fun tour, in which you will taste Mayan chocolate, honey, hand-made tortillas, and participate in a ball game, among other activities, just to finish in a unique cenote.
A special hallmark of this experience is the learning of three phrases in Maya language, you will be able to see the clothing of ancient Maya people, their devotion in rituals and the beautiful Mayan houses built out of wood with palm roofs, and with bioclimatic designs. This park integrates the magical spirit of Yucatán. Many visitors confirm that this place is for connecting with nature, live new experiences, recharge energy, and enjoy the company of friends and family.
Actividades principales
Distance from Mérida to experience:
Duration of experience:
4 hours approximately
Suggested for:
Families, friends and couples