Recommended experience for kids:
Recommended experience for pets:
It is an inclusive experience:
Places close to the experience where you can spend the night:
Days open to the public:
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Schedules in which you can enjoy the experience:
Contact number to make reservations:
URLS of the sites where reservations can be made:
Important experience activities:
- Skate
Approximate price:
Months in which you can enjoy the experience:
All year long
Nothing better than enjoying the sea breeze while practicing an outdoors sport, skating and its urban movement lovers will enjoy this recreational place with a privileged location, which is at the first line of the boardwalk with a beach concept. It has lively and familiar areas.
It has five ramps, one hollow, two reflectors and more than 300 hundred palm trees, floor lamps and four beach volleyball fields.
Actividades principales
Distance from Mérida to experience:
Duration of experience:
Suggested for:
Families, friends and couples