No. 059 Butterfly Flower Cocktail at Casona los Cedros

Places close to the experience where you can spend the night:


Days open to the public:

Sunday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

Schedules in which you can enjoy the experience:

14:00 - 22:00

Contact number to make reservations:

Approximate price:

$170 MXN

Months in which you can enjoy the experience:

Todo el año

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In the restaurant Casona at the Los Cedros hotel, you will be welcomed with a cocktail upon your arrival at check-in. The butterfly flower cocktail is made with mezcal and infused with the butterfly flower, which is harvested from the hotel's own organic garden, and is accompanied by a shot of honey and bitter orange. The drink is presented in a glass on your table, with the shot served separately so that you can pour it into the glass, causing it to change colour from blue to purple as it comes into contact with the acidic pH of the bitter orange. This is one of the many mixology drinks they offer and is accompanied by a sikil pak toast with Sucilá cheese and avocado.

Details of interest:

Includes: House drink.
Recommendations for tourists: Reserve in advance and try other dishes from the restaurant. They offer vegan options.
Minimum / maximum cap: 1 person / 25 people.
Payment methods: Cash and credit cards.
Recommended for: Couples.
Contact: Facebook, Instagram, Sitio web, TripAdvisor.

Distance from Mérida to experience:


Duration of experience:

1 hora approximately

Location of No. 059 Butterfly Flower Cocktail at Casona los Cedros

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