Mérida: Cultural and Gastronomic Capital of the Southeast

No. 208 Homemade Tostadas for Snacks or Meals

Places close to the experience where you can spend the night:


Days open to the public:

Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado

Schedules in which you can enjoy the experience:

09:00 - 15:00

Contact number to make reservations:

Approximate price:


Months in which you can enjoy the experience:

Todo el año

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To satisfy your cravings, one of the best options is delicious homemade tostadas made with corn tortillas. Traditional cooks prepare them by laying the tortillas out on a table and leaving them in the sun to become hard and crispy. Another method involves frying them in oil and then drying them, leaving very little oil, resulting in even crispier tostadas with exceptional flavour. Either of these two methods will lead you to enjoy this tasty snack, which can be the perfect accompaniment to guacamole, sikil pak, strained beans, and a wide variety of options. Sometimes tostadas are served alongside dishes like pozole or turkey broth. You can also try adding your favourite ingredients such as meat, cabbage, cheese, beans, or whatever you prefer.

Details of interest:

Recommendations for tourists: Enjoy with your preferred sauce or accompaniment.
Payment methods: Cash.
Recommended for: Families, couples, and disabled individuals.

Distance from Mérida to experience:


Duration of experience:

30 minutos approximately

365 flavors

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