Mérida: Cultural and Gastronomic Capital of the Southeast

No. 363 Dish: Stuffed Cheese with Venison

Places close to the experience where you can spend the night:


Days open to the public:

Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado

Schedules in which you can enjoy the experience:

08:00 - 23:59

Contact number to make reservations:

Approximate price:


Months in which you can enjoy the experience:


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At the Hacienda Teya restaurants, you can enjoy traditional dishes of Yucatecan gastronomy. Throughout the year, you can find the incomparable stuffed cheese on their menu; however, during this month of June, they have it available with Yucatecan venison, which is beloved by the public. The Stuffed Cheese with Venison is prepared with Edam-type cheese, filled with ground venison meat, seasoned with almonds and raisins, and flavoured with regional spices. It is covered with white k'óol sauce and tomato sauce. Let yourself fall in love with any of the Hacienda Teya locations, whether it be in their restaurants in downtown Mérida or at the Hacienda founded in 1683. This dish will be available in all three branches, so you can visit the one you prefer. The flavours and aromas of this dish will provide you with unforgettable moments.

Details of Interest:

Includes: Varied menu of Yucatecan food, use of the facilities.
Recommendations for tourists: Visit their locations to taste Yucatecan cuisine.
Payment methods: Cash, bank transfer, and credit cards.
Minimum / maximum capacity: 1 person / 250 people.
Recommended for: Families, couples, and disabled individuals.
Contact: Facebook, Instagram, TripAdvisor, Sitio web, OpenTable.
Email: info@haciendateya.com

Distance from Mérida to experience:


Duration of experience:

2 horas approximately

Location of No. 363 Dish: Stuffed Cheese with Venison

365 flavors

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