
Uxmal is one of the main archaeological sites of the Mayan zone. It has been appointed as a World Heritage Site due to its monumental urban conception.


Uxmal is one of the main archaeological sites of the Mayan zone. It has been appointed as a World Heritage Site due to its monumental urban conception, impressive architecture, and artistic ornamentation, as well as its undeniable historical value.

La Pirámide del Adivino” is the most spectacular building in the archaeological site. It is also known as “Pirámide del Hechicero” or “Pirámide del Enano.

“El Cuadrángulo de las Monjas” is a huge courtyard surrounded by four buildings, each one with numerous rooms just like a convent, which is why it was given its popular name. The Puuc style prevails in all the constructions. This is style is characterized by a first low level which is plain with no decorations; and a second level, extremely ornamented with numerous Chaac masks. It is a fascinating place, each of the constructions is captivating, full of ornamentation and symbolism.

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It is one of the few pyramids with a circular or oval base, which agrees with the legend of the dwarf, son of a sorceress, who was born from an egg and built the city in one night.

“El Palacio del Gobernador” is considered one of the most beautiful and interesting buildings of the Mayan architecture and of all Mesoamerica. It is almost one hundred meters long, by nine meters high. Three autonomous buildings rise on a great platform, connected by vaulted galleries built with the Puuc style where the first level is severe, whereas the second level has multiple adornments which have many masks of the god Chaac.

The outstanding talent of the builders can be observed in the crest of “La Casa de las Palomas,” “El Juego de Pelota,” “La Casa de las Tortugas,” “La Gran Pirámide,” “La Plataforma de los Jaguares” among many other constructions. The uniqueness of their construction style was clearly influenced by their worship to Chaac, god of the rain, since they were a fundamentally agricultural culture who deemed water as something vital.

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