Places close to the experience where you can spend the night:
Río Lagartos
Days open to the public:
Domingo, Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, Jueves, Viernes, Sábado
Schedules in which you can enjoy the experience:
Contact number to make reservations:
Approximate price:
Months in which you can enjoy the experience:
Todo el año
In Yucatan, the chivita, a type of mollusk, plays an important role as a food source for the region due to its high protein value, pleasant taste, and easy availability; this type of fishing is categorized as artisanal fishing. It's easy preparation is nothing more than a fusion of rich and fresh flavours that combine ingredients such as lime, cilantro, white and purple onion, habanero chilli, salt, pepper, and Worcestershire sauce, resulting in this delicious ceviche. Chivita meat has a higher protein content than red and white meats, and unlike these, the amount of fat is lower.
Distance from Mérida to experience:
Duration of experience: